Writing and publishing has been so much a part of my life in conservation biology and has so much to do with developing a transdisciplinary perspective about things, I thought I might list a dozen or so publications from over the decades that had a particular interest for me. I’ve leaned more heavily here on natural history writing than scientific journal publications.
Baugh, T.M. 1972. The muskrat - Nature’s mini-engineer. High Country News 4(24):10.
Baugh, T.M. 1973. The lonely land. Nevada Outdoors 7(3):l0-12.
Baugh, T. Michael. 1975. Land at river’s end. Pacific Search 9(9):44-45.
Baugh, T. 1978. Beyond the seventh dune. Pacific Discovery 31(3):16-21.
The Naturalist series published by Freshwater and Marine Aquarium Magazine were well received and represented very good natural history.
Baugh, T. 1981. Southern comfort: A naturalist on the Gulf Coast, Part I. Freshwater and Marine Aquarium Magazine 4(11):40-43, 69. (The entire five-part series.)
Baugh, T.M. 1985. The edge of the sea, Part I: Rocky shores. Freshwater and Marine Aquarium Magazine 8(9):68-72. (The entire eight-part series.)
Baugh, T.M. and James E. Deacon. 1983. Daily and yearly movement of the Devil’s Hole pupfish Cyprinodon diabolis Wales in Devil’s Hole, Nevada. Great Basin Naturalist 43(4):592-596.
Baugh, T.M., J.A. Valade, and B. Zootsma. 1988. Manatee use of Spartina alterniflora in Cumberland Sound. J. Marine Mammal Science 5(10):26-27.
Magazines stop the presses, insitutes close their doors, and things get lost in the shuffle. With that in mind, I want to briefly slide into the most recent past decades and the present so that these things don't get lost.
During my fellowship with the Green Institute, I began to publish online at the Institute’s web site. Online publication was a new departure for me feeling as I did that if it wasn’t on paper, it wasn’t published. Some of the Green Institute material is archived and some has been offered in this blog in an abbreviated version. Several not offered on the blog are noted as follows:
During my fellowship with the Green Institute, I began to publish online at the Institute’s web site. Online publication was a new departure for me feeling as I did that if it wasn’t on paper, it wasn’t published. Some of the Green Institute material is archived and some has been offered in this blog in an abbreviated version. Several not offered on the blog are noted as follows:
Baugh, Tom. 2006. A politics of plague. The Green Institute.
More recently, among many other things, I have been working on the restoration of a Southern Appalachian Mountain Bog. The manuscripts noted here reflect my continuingly active field and research orientation.
Baugh, T. R.E. Evans, C.J. Steward, and S. Artabane. 2011. Restoration of a Southern Appalachian Mountain Bog: Phase I. Reed Canary Grass Removal. Ecological Restoration 29(1&2): 13-14.
Baugh, T. and R.E. Evans. 2011. Restoration of a Southern Appalachian Mountain Bog:Phase II-Hydrology. Natural Areas Journal 31(1):88-91.
Returning to the decade beginning in 1971 and into the mid-1980's, in no way can the above fully represent my work during this period, But it does skim the surface of what was an enjoyable and challenging time…filled with high professional productivity and adventures throughout the American West, Southwest, Rocky Mountains, the Gulf Coast, and out into the Caribbean.